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~I have lived my life in very humid environments. When I visited Mimbres, NM it was my first time to the desert and my skin got incredibly dry and uncomfortable. I found your super salve balm at the natural food store in Silver City and chose it because it has pure ingredients, smells great, and contains desert medicines. As soon as I used it my skin felt great. My husband started using it on the mysterious sore on his nose and it hasn't come back since. Also, my baby got what we think was ringworm and we put the salve on her and it cleared up within a few days. This product is excellent! Job well done. Thank you, Katie

I wanted to let you know how much we like your products.  As a new mother I found your sunscreen at a store in Boulder, and chose it as you had the most wholesome ingredients list - and 15 years later we still use it.  Over 10 years ago we visited your Flagstaff store and starting using your healing salve and combo cream.  These three are still constant companions in my hiking fanny pack. Last year I tried your sugar scrub and Outdoorsman cream.  I'd never used a sugar scrub before and I love the invigorating feel and the spruce fragrance.  My son found the Outdoorsman cream helps with his acne, and now I've used it to help clear up an upper body skin outbreak that has resulted in open sores and scabs for the last three winters.  I've also found it helps minor cuts and scrapes heal much faster on my hand, as it greatly reduces the skin infections that used to occur with most cuts.  Last spring my knee mysteriously swelled to the size of a grapefruit, and your arnica salve was one of my saviors. And I love the comfrey lotion. Your creations enrich our family's life every day ~ Thank You! - A. Peck

~ While camping in Southern Colorado this past fall there was a mama and baby brown bear bulking up for winter from trash cans and messy campers in the area. I felt bad that these bears who were harmlessly scavenging human leftovers just to survive in a year of intense drought were being pushed out of THEIR homelands by humans. One evening we returned to our campsite to find ma and bebe bear raiding our cooler! The bears scampered off and we started picked up what was left. We discovered that of many tasty options, the Sierra Madre Sun Creme was the container that had been completely licked clean! They got half way through a jar of almond butter, one of peanut butter, salad dressing, even mayo. But the #1 tastiest condiment was the sun creme! I actually felt better having contributed high-quality fats to their winter hibernation bellies.

~ You saved my life in the Grand Canyon. Well, saved my life is a bit drastic, but without your Super Salve, my trip would have been much, much worse.  Myself and 3 friends recently hiked south to north rim of the Grand Canyon over 4 days.  We started off hiking down the South Kaibab trail and setting up camp at Bright Angel Campground.  I'm in semi-good shape, but not a hiker.  I started chaffing between my legs about 3 miles down the S. Kaibab trail and it just continued to worsen.  So much, that I couldn't go day-hiking with my counterparts the next afternoon.  I approached one of the rangers and they gave me some Gold Bond Powder, but that provided little relief.  I need something because the next day we were hiking out to Cottonwood Campground and then out the North Rim the day after.  On the second day when my friends returned back to Bright Angel from day-hiking we walked (me still in pain) over to the Phantom Ranch for a few beers and air-conditioning.  That's when I saw "My Precious" (that's how I referred to the Super Salve throughout the rest of the trip).  I applied the Super Salve that evening and had no issues hiking over to Cottonwood the next morning.  I stopped to reapply about half way through the hike.  I applied some that evening and also before hiking out N. Kaibab that next day and did not have any pain or issues.  Without the Super Salve, I would have made it, but would have been grimacing in pain for most of the trip.  Just wanted to share my story and tell you that you have a great product. - Jeremy Minich

~ I am SO impressed with this sunscreen. It smells great, feels great AND works. My 9 year old son has always hated wearing sunscreen, even the chemical-free ones. This is the first sunscreen he has ever liked putting on. I am also very sensitive to chemical sunscreens. I taste them as soon as I put them on any part of my body. The other chemical-free ones work, but don't smell or feel nearly as nourishing as this one does. Mahalo nui loa. (Hawaiian for thank you.) - Marie Fitzsimons

~ I am a High Speed downhill longboarder! Regularly skating Sandia Crest and other mountains at the nice speed of 50mph and up. If that sounds hard on the body, it is. I have been a loyal Arnica Salve buyer of yours for ten years, using it and recommending it to everyone with bruises I know! Recently I picked up your Super Salve as a use for road rash (since we all know arnica is for topical) and I was truly ASTOUNDED by its power. Road rash is a tricky wound since bandaids stick to it, showers make it burn, and your sheets can make you hurt. But the healing AND painkilling properties of this little stick make it the PERFECT choice for any and all road rash. You have a lifetime customer folks. - Christopher C.

~ I absolutely love your Mimosa and Combo creams! I wish they were stocked in natural food markets here in the Seattle area but your on-line ordering is also great! I get so many compliments on my skin when I consistently use these moisturizers. When I forget to use them for a few days my face gets very ratty and dry. Every single other skin moisturizer I have ever used — even those in natural stores contain alcohol and parabens and are actually so drying they create an addictive effect making it necessary to fall into a cycle of continually needing to use even more of these products to "re-moisturize." I have also been very much influenced in my everyday life by your encouragement not to put anything on your skin that you can't eat! I wish I could buy a tub of your moisturizer for everyone who has complimented my skin since I started using it so they can be as satisfied as I am. Thank you so much! - Kristen in Edmonds, WA

~ My newborn had developed a serious rash which his pediatrician prescribed everything for eczema, nothing worked my husband and I used everything that was on the market and behind the counter. Nothing worked!! We were very frustrated our beautiful baby could not clear up, until my mother in law had been referred by a friend who sold this baby bottom cream to purchase it. We tried it and now can not live without it my baby had cleared up this rash that was incurable for over 7 months. He is one years old and has beautiful skin. Thank you. - Kerri in New Mexico

~ Hello, i am the woman in Moab for whom you draw off the Comfrey Leaf Lotion before you add the fragrance. I thank you so much for this courtesy. Since living in the southwest. I count on your products to protect my skin. I actually use the Comfrey Leaf for my face / once a day in the morning. I have 74 years. My skin is clear and healthy. Younger women ask what face lotion i use. They are surprised to learn that i use your Comfrey Leaf. At night i use the Calendula salve on my face and hands. Super Salve is great for healing the feet after a river trip / smile. So thanks again. I really appreciate your products.Kaatherine Hunter in Moab, Utah

~ You are Amazing! I am so incredibly ecstatic right now.... Today I found the Mimosa face and body creme and I am in LOVE! Thank you so much for making my day (and face) feel fabulous! Funny thing, I have been living in CO for 2 years now after spending 8 years in Albuquerque. It took me going to CO to find your products, as I never had heard of them in NM. No matter, I love the face cream and am so thankful for your talents! Kindest - Jennifer Hartrich

~ Thank you for creating "super" products for everyday people like me. I found your site two years ago after searching on-line for products containing DMAE, alpha lipoic acid, and vitamins C & E. After recovering from the sticker-shock I suffered viewing a well-know doctor's web-site and feeling that products that make you look fabulous weren't for me, I was overjoyed to learn that not only did your product contain the compounds I was looking for they were affordable, all-natural, and smell great!! My skin looks and feels wonderful! I know there is no wrinkle cure - but I intend on looking and feeling my best as long as I live! Please keep making your awesome Power Repair products for people like me. Thank You, Sue in New York

~ Hello, I wanted to write your company a heartfelt thanks. Recently, I received a sample of several of your products at the Soulstice Trail run. I had never used them but was truly amazed by the lip balm tin. I unfortunately got a call on November 10th my Father fell ill back home. He was diagnosed with lung cancer and was in awful shape. I left to fly home right away. The treatments were not an options, and all we could do was try to comfort him. The oxygen had dried his lips terribly and I applied your weird looking green lip balm to my Dad. Understand he is a hardcore old school Texas redneck, so funky natural medicine does not appeal much to him. After using it for a day he refused to use anything else from then on. I had no idea how lucky I was to get that sample. It is a small thing but eased and comforted him and myself. I felt awfully helpless and this was something I could do to help go figure. Little things sometimes make a great deal of difference. Thanks for supporting the Soulstice Trail Run in Flagstaff, but more importantly thanks for easing my Dads last days... J. H. J. passed on Dec 2nd of this year in Shreveport, LA. I will never be able to express what your company did for me. Thanks Again - R. J.

~ Dearest Supersalve, I could own a BMW with all the money I have spent on lip product over my life- time. I might even go so far as to consider myself a connoisseur. I dig lip stuff. My boyfriend is a 'professional' outdoorsmen of sorts, mountain guide, climber, flier, skier and all around Super Sender. His profession knows dry lips and knows it takes an exceptional product to solve the problem. Now, just the other day I was in the car with my boyfriend and he said, "Hey baby, check out this super dank bomber rig." He was, of course, referring to The Super Salve Co.'s SUN SALVE. Well, I popped that cap off, smoothed the delicious stuff across my lips and was immediately sold. It is by far the most emollient, delightful, long lasting, super hydrating lip stuff I've ever used. SUN SALVE is more than a necessary lip product: it's an experience. Sometimes I'm not s! ure if I want to rub it all over my body, eat it or spend hours rubbing it on my lips and making out with my super sexy super hero boyfriend. Thanks so much SUPER SALVE. We want to get it for all our friends and families for stocking stuffers for the Holiday season.

~ The thing that prompted me the most to write to you was friends, Hans and Jeri (they are a married couple), just had their baby 2 months too early. Their baby Ezekial was in the baby intensive care for over a month. Anyway, they did not want to use any of the hospital products for his skin. So they went and bought some of your baby cream to use. They used it on him everyday in the hospital and loved it. It took some of the nurses a while to get use to it because they were so use to their generic stuff. Some of the nurses were so shocked over it, such as the mountain rain water, they were dumbfounded, they had never heard anything like it. The hospital is like another planet, everything is so sterile and corporate. Some of the nurses grew to love your product and said they would use it again and recommend it to others. We were talking about your heavenly products the other night and I thought that I should tell you that you are the best. Thanks for making your magic potions.

~ thank you thank you thank you. hi supersalve people! I have suffered from acne since I was like 9, and I'm almost 15 now and still have bad acne. I have tried many things to cure this HORRIBLE disease, and nothing has worked well - and they all dried out my skin, and made my skin peel, and they all smelled bad! I figured I'd give your facial kit 2 weeks to do its magic, then look for something else if it failed to work. GUESS WHAT!!?? it's the 4th day and I'm seeing a BIG DIFFERENCE!!! I also LOVE how everything smells - I especially enjoy the peppermint smells! your product has given me self confidence - and I thank you greatly. I will most certainly order more! Very Grateful, Sarah

~ Hi! My name is Annemari, and I was first introduced to the healing properties of Super Salve during a Wilderness First Responder class that I took a little over a year ago. I have since used it for many different applications. I use a wheelchair for mobility, and it has rough, mountain bike- type rear tires. I often pay for the ability to go where I want with very dry skin and abrasions on my hands and arms, and I have found Super Salve to be great for healing those up! Almost 3 weeks ago I was camping out, and I accidently spilled boiling water on myself, ending up with 1st and 2nd degree burns on my right foot and leg! After all the bandages came off, my skin was "peeling like a lizard"! I put Super Salve on it at least twice a day, and as of today, there is no peeling, and it is helping me heal up with no scars. My right foot is still bandaged, and I have to get it cleaned and re- dressed every day. It is healing up well and FAST too! The phys. therapist that I see uses Silvadene (burn cream) on the open wound itself, and I supplement that by applying Super Salve on the nearby skin to help it heal. After she saw the immpressive progress on the superficial burn on my leg, she suggested that I put Super Salve on the spots on my foot that are "closed up" already! I intend to use Super Salve on the top of my foot after it closes over with skin to help prevent scarring and improve the overall condition of my skin. I found and continue to find Super Salve a wonderful product with many uses. I have loved every Super Salve Inc. product that I have tried! I just wish Super Salve came in a tube, like toothpaste. This would make it not only easy to apply to a large area, but would help to avoid "double- dipping" and contamina- ting the jar with germs from different people. Thank you for helping me to heal quickly and in a way that boosts my self- esteem!! :-) :-)

~ Hi Denise, Our mutual dear friend, Bryan Smith, introduced me to your products at the 3HO Summer Solstice yoga camp in Espanola last summer. I've since treated a variety of ailments with the Arnica Muscle Easing Salve and the Calendula Salve. The most recent and dramatic results were in the healing of my mother's facial skin, intensely damaged from an allergic reaction to the chemical wipes used on her in a nursing home. The Calendula worked it's magic. The staff has been educated to use it. (Nursing Homes would be a good market.) I am spreading the word in western PA. Blessings to you and your miracles! - Lois

~ To the maker of Super Salve products, I stumbled upon your products at Winter Sun in Flagstaff Arizona. They impress me more and more each day I use them. I try to use products that are chemical free and animal cruelty free but until I started using your cleansers my skin never felt this good. I just wanted to write to thank you. Also I would love to see some products made specifically for teen skin or (what has been most difficult for me to find,) a chemical and cruelty free hair care line. Thanks again for your awesome products and your time.  Sincerely, Jessica

~ I just want you to know that I am really enjoying using your products. I have seen a remarkable difference. I thought you would like to know that the scent of many of them reminds me of Metopium... worn by Cleopatra they say. I received a sample of it years ago when visiting the Museum at Emory university during their ancient Egyptian exhibition. If you ever considered having out of state representatives, I would be interested in being one someday. (I am a high school teacher).

~ Today I replenished my supply of Sister Creations skin care products. Until I purchased and used the trial size of this product, I had a very casual approach to skin care. My regimen for attention to the condition of my skin had always been interrupted by any number of excuses ranging from fatigue to lack of time. But really, I now realize, I had been avoiding taking care of my skin because the many different products I had been using made my skin feel sticky, itchy, stingy or greasy. Many skin care professionals assured me that if I would just keep using their product long enough I would get over the initial discomfort. That the "breaking out" I was experiencing would go away. "After all", they insisted, "if it really is working you will naturally have a period of acne-like eruptions before your complexion starts to clear." In fact, I never did stay with the skin torture long enough to find out because my face felt better when I left it alone. Thank God! I now own a product that makes my skin tingle with joy and thanks. I actually look forward to waking up so that I can clean and moisturize my face. And I look forward to getting ready to retire when I can do it all again. It not only feels good, it smells good and my husband has taken to snuggling up with great appreciation for the pleasing scent I emit when I crawl into bed. The rosy glow I see in the mirror is further proof to me that these products really are the perfect skin care products for me! I learned of Sister Creations from my daughter, who shared with me her FIND. I saw that her normally lovely skin had recently taken on an enhanced clarity and glow that was unmistakable. Her pores were miniscule, her skin texture: radiant and smooth. So, today I replenished my supply of Sister Creations and am once again happy to realize that these products cost only a fraction of the nationally advertised products I have tried to use in the past. - Northern Arizona University Professor

~ Ms. Tracy: I did a follow up visit on an elderly patient today, both legs had multiple celluitus (sic) weeping sites six weeks ago, today all sites are closed, edema greatly reduced, skin color is rapidly returning to normal, patient reports the itching/burning feeling has been gone for over two weeks now.

The patient also states she will finish applying the remainder of the container of Super Salve to insure good skin health.- Dr.J, San Diego CA

~ ...she recommended your Calendula Salve for my 12 year old son's half sunburned face. My son had been skiing and did not pay attention while applying his sunscreen. The result was a splotchy sunburn that caused his left eye to swell. (He refused to wear goggles or sunglasses).We were amazed at the salve's ability to reduce the inflammation and the pain. Equally amazing was the fact that it did not cause his face to break out due to any clogged pores. What wonderful stuff...We will never be without a tin of calendula. I also purchased your Sierra Madre Sun Cream. What a great sunscreen and all around skin care product.The first day I used it at the pool, my friends flocked to me, to try this wonderful smelling

~ Dear Super Salve Company Representative: I recently discovered your "Arnica Muscle Easing Salve" while on a grueling mountain bike trek from Telluride, CO to Moab, UT and on to Crested Butte, CO. This stuff is muscle magic in a little jar!! I am interested in getting more...E.D.- Saratoga CA

~ (handwritten note on the bottom of our order form) I am an acrobat at Disney World & have many aches & pains. I had Super Salve's Arnica & it was the best. I ran out & could not find it anywhere; until I threw "Super Salve" into a search engine. Yippee!!  - B.K.P. the "Tumble Monkey"- Kissimee FL

~ Dear Sir/Madam: This past summer I purchased two bottles of Super Salve at Phantom Ranch. The salve was SUPER!!! It prevented cracked hands and feet. I would like to order some more of your wonderful product. GY - Cupertino CA

~ Hello! I returned not too long ago from a river rafting trip through the Grand Canyon and became introduced to your products from our guides. They are wonderful! I cannot say enough great things about your lip balms and sun creams! I work for a sea kayak company in the Pacific Northwest, and although we don't receive as much sun as you do down south, the salt water and the sun's reflection off the water can take a toll on your skin. I'm hoping to hook some of our guides onto your product with my following order — I don't think I'll have a hard time doing so! Thank you for such a great product. I can't wait to receive my order! - HB, Pacific Northwest

~ Dear People: Your Comfrey Leaf lip balm is great stuff. I have been using it for the last 3-4 years. It's about the only thing I can use without getting an unpleasant reaction. However, recently going into one of the stores where I usually buy it, I could not find it. I would very much like to know how else I might obtain your product... MA, Flagstaff AZ

~ Dear Folk at Super Salve: I am extremely allergic & have a hard time finding lip creme which does not cause my lips to peel off. Your comfrey leaf lip balm has worked w/no reaction! I cannot find it locally. Is it possible to order, say a dozen tubes directly from you? Thanks - SL, Aztec NM

~ Dear Sir or Madam: I purchased a tube of your calendula lip balm in Bozeman, MT and LOVE IT! Please let me know if it is sold anywhere in Billings and if not, if you would be willing to send some to me. Thanks. -SB, Billings, MT

~ Hello! My housemate turned me on to your Super Salve! I'm using it on a wound on my cat's head and it's working wonderfully! - CCG, Austin, TX

~ My father purchased some Super Salve at Phantom Ranch in the bottom of the Grand Canyon this summer. Since then, it has proved amazingly efficacious on several rashes and other skin ailments. - HEB, Seattle, WA

~ To whom it may concern. Yesterday my knee was hurting after a strenuous day of skiing. My nephew gave me some of the Arnica Salve which I rubbed into the knee, and for the first time in years, after several hours, the pain was gone. - GN, Santa Monica, CA

~ Hello. I was recently in Glenwood NM and bought one of your skin care products—Mimosa Blossom Dream Cream. I really love it! I have lots of sensitivities to skin products and was grateful that your product was not creating reactions. - NH, Santa Fe, NM

~ To whom it may concern: I am a long-time user of Super Salve. I use it daily as an after shave medication with excellent results. - OAM Sahuarita, AZ

~ To Whom it May Concern: I have used your SUPER SALVE product for a couple of years now. I believe this product does wonders in healing abrasions and other skin wounds not to mention softening my skin after shaving. I tried Super Salve for the first time when I fell off a ladder onto some pavement and scraped the side of my face pretty severely. I put Super Salve on it while it was healing and now there is no evidence of any scars on my face. - HM, Ketchum, ID

~ Gentlemen, HELP! I am at the end of my last tube of CALENDULA LIP BALM!!! I love this stuff. Thanks guys--great product. - SM, Cypress, Texas

~ Your MIMOSA BLOSSOM DREAM CREAM is the BEST face cream I have ever tried! Having lived in the desert for over a decade, and working in the sun has left me with that leather face we all dread - my skin is always dry and tight, but with your cream it feels normal again. I use the Sierra Madre SPF sun cream during the day, and the Mimosa at night. I have tried so many fancy brand name creams that all cost a ridiculous amount of money and promise miracles and have constantly been disappointed. Thanks for making such a sweet product! It feels like it's filled with love and care. The fragrance is a pleasure to wake up to and my skin looks healthy and hydrated! I find that your cream makes an excellent give, and I usually buy some for my friends afar. They love it too! - CS, Taos, NM (April 15, 2009)

~ Just wanted to tell you how great your insect repellent is. I cannot use DEET, and let's not even talk about the migraine "Skin So Soft" gives me. So I have just had to suffer feeding the mosquitoes where ever I go. Last month we were in Glenwood down by the creek. Mom and I wore your repellent and Mike did not. He was quite munched on and we never got a single bite! Plus no funky skin reactions, no headaches. THANKS. (But I should have know it would be great; all your products are). - LG (August 13, 2009)